Autumn Plan


  1. Move Mulberry and protect better
  2. Move raspberries to where Mulberry is (behind pollinator bed).
  3. Add blueberries to new raspberry area
  4. Create easy to use trellis for raspberries and protection from birds
  5. Meet Bartletts Trees for recommendations on fruit trees
  6. Add easy to use hatch to protect strawberries from birds.
  7. Deadwood fruit
  8. Spray fruit with garlic-mint Oct/Nov/Dec
  9. Add low-bush blueberry to landscape
  10. Add Hardy Kiwi either side of entrance to vegetable garden
  11. Move one of the passionfruit seedlings to the back fence of the vegetable bed.
  12. Add: Concord Grapes, Hazel, Asian Pear to fruit area.
  13. Replace Morello Cherry
  14. PawPaw?? Did they make it??


  1. Add rabbit fence below existing fence
  2. Add Solid timber to boundary side of vegetable bed to protect from Poison Ivy.
  3. Add vertical elements between beds for squash to grow up.
  4. Add 3 tuteurs (cedar or Akoris has some funky ones) for tomatoes and beans (Spring).
  5. Plant Garlic and Shallots
  6. Plan for Spring: seeds and cutting garden.
  7. Weed everything. Smother with cardboard. Add thin layer of clean topsoil and then mulch (leaf mulch would be ideal).
  8. Set up composting for real:               -- add 4 bay composter for hot composting of landscape waste. Place in behind solar panels.                            - Add a second household compost bin with neat/tidy bins for holding leaves as carbon. 


Pink = Existing Beds

Light Green = Lawn

Proposal for other areas:

  1. Turquoise - Add showy meadow mix beneath shrubs as seed.
  2. Dark Green - Convert lawn to stylized meadow including: asters, little bluestem, solidago, salvia. Mix of seeding and plugs
  3. Light Blue - rake bare areas and seed with native meadow seeds.


  1. Address the Dogwood area by moving the deutzia that is not thriving and replace with sweet pepperbush (Clethra), Blue Star (Amsonia) and little bluestem.
  2. Add a tree by the garage and generally tidy up the area/come up with simple planting.

More Pollinators added....

I added White Blazing Star (Liatris spicata 'Floristan White') as it is white and a fantastic plant for Monarchs. 

I added Blue Star Amsonia because it think it will thrive in the touch conditions of death valley in the Moon is a pale blue BUT it has beautiful autumn color, blooms early in the year, is native AND stars kind of belong in a moon garden right?

I also added more white Hibiscus and I grabbed some of the Pink Blazing Star (Liatris spicata 'Kobold') to add to the pollinator bed once it is safe to enter again.

I also moved the White Balloon Flower over to the moon garden as it wasn't really thriving in the BBQ bed.