- Move Mulberry and protect better
- Move raspberries to where Mulberry is (behind pollinator bed).
- Add blueberries to new raspberry area
- Create easy to use trellis for raspberries and protection from birds
- Meet Bartletts Trees for recommendations on fruit trees
- Add easy to use hatch to protect strawberries from birds.
- Deadwood fruit
- Spray fruit with garlic-mint Oct/Nov/Dec
- Add low-bush blueberry to landscape
- Add Hardy Kiwi either side of entrance to vegetable garden
- Move one of the passionfruit seedlings to the back fence of the vegetable bed.
- Add: Concord Grapes, Hazel, Asian Pear to fruit area.
- Replace Morello Cherry
- PawPaw?? Did they make it??
- Add rabbit fence below existing fence
- Add Solid timber to boundary side of vegetable bed to protect from Poison Ivy.
- Add vertical elements between beds for squash to grow up.
- Add 3 tuteurs (cedar or Akoris has some funky ones) for tomatoes and beans (Spring).
- Plant Garlic and Shallots
- Plan for Spring: seeds and cutting garden.
- Weed everything. Smother with cardboard. Add thin layer of clean topsoil and then mulch (leaf mulch would be ideal).
- Set up composting for real: -- add 4 bay composter for hot composting of landscape waste. Place in behind solar panels. - Add a second household compost bin with neat/tidy bins for holding leaves as carbon.
Pink = Existing Beds
Light Green = Lawn
Proposal for other areas:
- Turquoise - Add showy meadow mix beneath shrubs as seed.
- Dark Green - Convert lawn to stylized meadow including: asters, little bluestem, solidago, salvia. Mix of seeding and plugs
- Light Blue - rake bare areas and seed with native meadow seeds.
- Address the Dogwood area by moving the deutzia that is not thriving and replace with sweet pepperbush (Clethra), Blue Star (Amsonia) and little bluestem.
- Add a tree by the garage and generally tidy up the area/come up with simple planting.